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Direktlänk till inlägg 7 oktober 2010

Rest in Peace (In loving memory)

Av Herr Dunderskägg - 7 oktober 2010 07:32

Sometimes, something so sad happens
That touches every caring soul.
Everything seems hopeless,
and that leaves a bottomless, bleeding hole.
Someone loved or someone close,
get their wings in their prime.
We can't say goodbye, cus' it's allready too late.
It's so unfair, it's not their time!
We search deep inside ourselfs
to find answers for why we get misstreated.
All seem gone, all seems lost.
We always feel defeated.
Chaos, loneliness and sadness
takes a hold of us as we go.
We wander around, crying. Thinking.
But at the same time we grow.
We learn to live, that life can end so quickly,
that our time can end so fast.
The bright, beautiful white wings takes us away.
Make the most to make all the little moments last.
When our time ends here on earth,
we will once again see who we once lost.
Then - we will turn around and look down at our 
families, friends and loved ones that misses us the most.
Whenever you feel alone, think of the times we had.
Tears and sorrows will always be rooted in our souls.
Remember - life ain't that bad.
Maybe we can try to fix those deep holes.
Always remember them when they will leave.
They will always be around you
Try always to believe.
Wherever you will go.
For they are close, now and forever.
Always protecting you.
Never be afraid, for they are there whenever.
They will always hold your hand, whereever you will go.
For what it's worth, their love will never die.
In spirit they will surround you every single day.
Try not to feel angry or wry.
Think of them when your day are gray.

Sometimes, something so sad happens,
that touches every caring soul.
Everything seems hopeless,
and that leaves a bottomless, bleeding hole.

Someone loved or someone close,
get their wings in their prime.
We can't say goodbye, cus' it's allready too late.
It's so unfair, it's not their time!

We search deep inside ourselfs,
to find answers for why we get misstreated.
All seem gone, all seems lost.
We always feel defeated.

Chaos, loneliness and sadness,

takes a hold of us as we go.

We wander around, crying. Thinking.

But at the same time we grow.

We learn to live, that life can end so quickly,

that our time can end so fast.

The bright, beautiful, white wings takes us away.

Make the most to make all the little moments last.

When our time ends here on earth,

we will once again see who we once lost.

Then - we will turn around and look down at our 

families, friends and loved ones that misses us the most.

Whenever you feel alone, think of the times we had.

Tears and sorrows will always be rooted in our souls.

Remember - life ain't that bad.

Maybe - we can try to fix those deep holes.

Always remember them when they will leave.

They will always be around you.

Try always to believe.

Wherever you will go.

For they are close, now and forever.

Always protecting you.

Never be afraid, for they are there whenever.

They will always hold your hand, whereever you will go.

For what it's worth, their love will never die.

In spirit they will surround you every single day.

Try not to feel angry or wry.

Think of them when your day are gray.

The emptiness is so tough,

but we'll have to learn to release...

...those tears we hold so deep inside.

Here I stand so empty, only hoping you will at last - Rest In Peace.


    Kom ihåg mig



Av Herr Dunderskägg - 29 april 2017 23:35

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